Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Random Thought on Starting to Exercise

Before I started P90X I had a hard time believing it would work. Their infomercials declaring "Get RIPPED in 90 days!" made me skeptical, and the pictures they flashed across the screen of their testators that probably had less than 2% body fat made me even more skeptical. I said to myself, "This can't be real." But listen to me now- I'll be preaching "Do P90X!" until I die. I have yet to find an overall health/fitness program as complete.

My point is this- usually we don't believe things we hear about fitness, even if we haven't tried it. And then, when we do hear or see something that sounds legit we say, "Oh, they say it's going to be hard, and I have to talk to my doctor, and it's gonna take an hour a day, and I have to buy all this stuff. I'll pass." That was exactly what I said when I learned that P90X might work for me. I don't know why we think like that, but we do. I was going to have to sacrifice a lot of time, a lot of money ($400), and a ton of physical effort to do this. But now I know investing those 3 things is key to a successful program.

When I started to exercise using P90X the hardest thing for me was making time to do it, and the only time I could use was the time I was then using for sleep. Pulling myself out of bed everyday at 5:00am is still the hardest thing I do everyday- so hard in fact that I don't do it everyday. Spending money on weights, machines, exercise balls, steps, elastic bands, etc. stinks but there's no way around that. The energy/physical effort may be the hardest for beginners. If you're a beginner you don't have a lot of energy. But that's because you've not been exercising. If you would exercise consistently, it's a fact that you would have more energy. I wish you could make money that way- spend more and you'll get more. Bummer.

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